Video: New Beach Electro – 1.5kW

Zveřejněno 9. 9. 2009 v rubrice RC Videa

New Beach ElectroNew Beach Electro létá skvěle, o čemž se můžete na vlastní oči přesvědčit při sledování videa, které opět sestříhal náš kamarád Michal ‘Klobouk’ Doležílek. Fully moulded hotliner New Beach Electro produced by Jiri Bacinsky is able to sustain motor setup with power up to 3kW. Following video shows this ship stuffed with 1.5kW only. Have fun ;-)
Pro úplnost ještě zbývá dodat, že model je osazený motorem Neu 1115/2.5D, šestičlánkem LiPo baterií Hyperion G3 2200mAh, vrtulí RFM17x13 a regulátorem Castle Creations. Tento pohon při odběru 60A zaručuje maximální stoupavost 33m/s. Psát cokoliv dalšího na téma New Beach Electro by bylo nošením dříví do lesa, protože zcela vyčerpávající dávku informací včetně fotografií ze stavby naleznete u Dalibora.

New Beach is an advanced fully moulded electro version of an old slope glider Beach manufactured by Jiri Bacinsky. The most important improvement is the F3B like wing joiner and lots of reinforcements here and there. New Beach is able to sustain high performance motor setups with power up to 3kW. Setup used in this video: Neu 1115/2,5D + 6S – Hyperion G3 2200mAh + RFM17/13 + CC ESC. Maximum vertical speed: 33m/s, Maximum Current: 60A.

Lots of detailed pictures of this ship along with a build log and some flight logs can be found on the Electro-Team web site (translated to english by Google).

Související odkazy:
New Beach od Jirky Bačinského

Přečteno 53 krát
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4 Komentáře u „Video: New Beach Electro – 1.5kW

  1. Dan

    I have one too with megamotor 600/30/4 motor and i was the second one to buy the plane in Sweden How does it fly? ……. great is the right word

    Dan from Sweden

  2. PiNa

    Hi Dan, thank you for your comment, you are righ the New Beach does fly great. Martin

  3. Alastair Hunter

    Hi, I’ve read a little about the Beach on RCGroups and watched the video here on your website (wow!!) I am in the UK, how can I get one of these models – it looks fantastic. How much are they and how much for shipping to the UK please?

    Many thanks,

  4. PiNa

    Hi Al, nice to see you like the New Beach. You can order one directly from Jiri Bacinsky. I am not sure about the price, you have to ask Jiri. The actual lead time seems to be a bit longer – 8-12 weeks as Jiri is quite busy with his F5D racer ESCAPE too.

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